A Strategic Alliance For NFT Is Formed Between QuizTalk And Meta-Airline | FinanceWires

A Strategic Alliance For NFT Is Formed Between QuizTalk And Meta-Airline | FinanceWires

QuizTalk and Meta-Airline made the announcement that they will form an NFT strategic cooperation to generate a variety of different types of NFT content.

The goal of the partnership is to ensure that both organizations' platforms have access to NFT material while also diversifying NFT markets both in the United States and internationally.

A recent quiz show was hosted by QuizTalk Co., Ltd. at Ifland, a metaverse service that is provided by SK Telecom.

This comes after the company successfully expanded its NS home shopping and live commerce industry.

The QTCON token used by QuizTalk was recently listed on Gate.io, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, in addition to the three main domestic exchanges, Bithumb, Upbit, and Coinone.

Around 780 million cumulative quiz answers, 1.32 million different quizzes, and 700,000 downloads are all part of the "QUIZTOK" platform that QuizTalk uses.

In Quiz Talk, players can earn points for every correct response, and the person who asks the questions can also earn incentives.

There is also something called a quiz curator, which is a way to distribute quizzes to the people that follow you.

When advertising on QuizTalk, advertisers are required to obtain and make use of QuizTalk tokens.

You are able to make ticket purchases through the use of your MAL-SCAN platform if you are a member of the travel NFT effort known as Meta-Airline.

Additionally, META-AIRLINE is able to take reservations for golf courses, hotels, and resorts that are related to golf courses.

After beginning with a commercial relationship with the KOSDAQ company TOBEMETA, Meta-Airline co-produced the film "Hot Blood" NFT with the Dow technology group KOSPI-listed companies and KIDARI-STUDIO.

This booth at the COEX money show in April was selected as an interesting booth.

In spite of the fact that the NFT market has hit a plateau, participants in that market view it as an industry with limited development potential, much like the early stage of the Bitcoin market, and they have claimed that they will move quickly to introduce the QTCON environment to the NFT ecosystem.

As a direct consequence of this, QTCON held a meeting with Meta-Airline to discuss the planning of various collaborations, and both parties stated that the collaboration would be disclosed in August.

In reference to the partnership, the Chief Executive Officer of Meta-Airline, Kim Ho-Jae, indicated that he would assure market diversity by exchanging various contents with QuizTalk from the beginning, rather than the end of the process.

He compared the NFT market to the market for virtual assets in 2014 and described it as a new market that has not yet been established by various services such as asking price transaction systems, futures, loans, and Defi.

He made this comparison in order to highlight the similarities between the two markets.